Women Institute of Learning and Rehabilitation Sciences (WIL/WIRS)

Department of Pharmacy


The modern era pharmacy is shifting from the conventional product-oriented approach to a more dedicated patient-oriented approach having legally qualified and professionally competent pharmacy graduates (having Pharm-D degree) at its core.

Excellent teaching and training facilities are provided to the students by imparting knowledge through modern system of teaching. Clinical Pharmacy training is provided to students of 4th Prof. and final Prof. in clinical settings like Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad. Regular visits are arranged to country’s renowned multinational and national pharmaceutical firms and health institutes like National Institute of Health (NIH), Islamabad. Likewise, seminars and workshops are also arranged from time to time on important issues and topics.

The Department of Pharmacy, WIL is registered with Higher Education Regulatory Authority (HERA), KPK, and Pakistan. Our Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) degree program is affiliated with University of Peshawar, Pakistan and recognized by the Central Pharmacy Council of Pakistan. Medium of instructions (both in teaching and examinations) is English.

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Program Offer:

Doctor of Pharmacy

Short title: Pharm-D
Duration and Number of Seats:

5 years, 40 Seats
Entry requirements:

60% Marks in F.Sc(Pre-Medical) or B. Sc with Chemistry, Botany, Zoology.
Other qualifications accepted:

GCE A-Levels


Department of Pharmacy Offers 5-Years PHARM-D program.
  • Affiliated with University of Peshawar
  • Registered by Higher Education Regulatory Authority KPK, Peshawar
  • Recognized by Pharmacy Council of Pakistan


Pharmacy is a new emerging Profession, preparing its graduates for the future challenges of the Drug Specialty. Drugs today have a immense power to cure and to improve the quality of life. But, at theDr. Rozina Kousar same time Drugs also may do serious damages if not taken correctly. This is where the role of the pharmacist is most important. Pharmacists who know their patients and have their medication profiles on file are aware of possible harmful drug interactions or allergies to certain drugs. The pharmacist also are able to discuss possible side effects in addition to what foods, drinks or activities that should be avoided while on a medication; what to do if the patient miss a dose; and a wide range of other helpful information.

The pharmacist is a key health care professional in helping people achieve the best therapeutic outcomes. The ailing community should choose a pharmacist they trust and build a partnership for their good health.

Briefly, Pharmacists play an essential role in optimizing therapeutic outcomes of medication and improving patient health.



Head of Department:
Dr. Rozina Kousar
Pharm-D, M. Phil, Ph.D


Pharmaceutical Industry:
An important career option in the pharmacy is represented by the pharmaceutical industry. Here, pharmacists are employed in manufacturing, product development, research, quality control, quality assurance, marketing, sales and administration.

Hospital and other Institutional Settings:
The expansion of health care needs the society to put the hospital pharmacists in a position  to have direct involvement in the patient care beside it established roles of Drug purchases, control, supply and distribution of drugs, management functions, personnel administration, system development and planning. Hospital pharmacist continues to become more involved in providing patient-oriented services; the demand for practitioners in this area of pharmacy continue to grow.

Managed care Pharmacy:
Managed care pharmacy services are extended heath delivery system services that provide the pharmaceutical care at the primary/or preventive level. Increasingly, pharmacists are employed in various capacities within managed care organization .Managed care is a system designed to optimize patient care through greater coordination of medical and pharmaceutical services.

Community/Retail Pharmacy:
This area involves the practice of pharmacy in community settings or retail outlets. Pharmacists, in the community settings, are actively involved in educating patients, maintaining and monitoring drug records and providing information resource of highest caliber. This is very rapidly growing area of pharmacy profession in which the pharmacists are deployed at store levels leading to the management positions in chain drug pharmacies or themselves become the owner of their own pharmacies.

Other fields in Pharmacy:
Pharmacists use their basic educational background in a host of federal, state and professional positions. At the federal or provincial level, pharmacist hold post like drug inspectors, drug controllers, pharmacist/chief pharmacists at drug testing laboratories and also as Commissioned officers in Pakistan Armed Forces. Pharmacists with interest and special talents in organizational work also guide several national professional associations. There are pharmacist in advertising, packaging, technical writing, magazine editing and science reporting. There are pharmacists with legal training who are serving as patent lawyers or as experts in pharmaceutical law.

Teaching Faculty Pharmacy Department


1 Dr. Rozina Kousar Chairperson Pharm-D, M. Phil, Ph.D
2 Dr.Prof Amir Badshah Professor Ph. D, M. Phil, B. Pharm
3 Dr. Muhammad Imran Associate Professor



PhD, Pharm-D

4 Dr. Amina Shah Assistant Professor Pharm-D, M. Phil, Ph.D.
5 Dr. Zainab Qureshi Assistant Professor Pharm-D, M. Phil
6 Dr. Mehreen Arif Assistant Professor Pharm-D, M.S, Ph.D (In Progress)
7 Dr.Hadia Bibi Assistant Professor Pharm-D, M. Phil, Ph.D. (In Progress)
8 Mrs.Shazia Rauf Assistant Professor M. Phil in Pak Studies
9 Dr. Anam Shahzadi Lecturer Pharm-D, M. Phil, Ph.D. (In Progress)
10 Dr.Hina Tariq Lecturer Pharm-D, M. Phil
11 Dr.Hina Awan Lecturer Pharm-D
12 Dr. Zainab khan Jadoon Lecturer Pharm-D
13 Dr.Huma Tanveer Lecturer Pharm-D
14 Dr.Hafsa Shams Lecturer Pharm-D, M. Phil (in progress)
15 Dr. Rabail Ayyaz Lecturer Pharm-D
16 Dr.Hira Khan Lecturer Pharm-D
17 Dr. Omera Haroon Lecturer Pharm-D, M.S
18 Mrs.Saba Iqbal Lecturer M.Sc Computer
19 Dr. Muhammad Ali Khan Jadoon Lecturer
20 Miss.Misbah Munawar Assistant Professor M.Sc. Maths, M. Phil Statistics
21 Miss.Shagufta Amtiaz Lecturer M.A English
22 Mrs. Sobia Faryal Visiting Lecturer


1 Mr.Asim Khan Lab Attendant Satisfactory
2 Mr.Munsif Khan Lab Technician Do
3 Mr. Waqar Khan KPO Do
4 Mr.Hammad Nadeem Lab Assistant Do
5 Miss Sobia Jadoon Lab Attendant Do
6 Miss Irum Raffique Lab Attendant Do
7 Miss Shazia Bibi Lab Attendant Do
8 Miss Rabia Rashid Lab Attendant Do
9 Miss Anum Nasir Teachers Attendant Do


Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) five year course

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) five year course

Revised Syllabus 2013

1st Professional


Paper 1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) 100

Paper 2 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry 100

Paper 3 Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) 100

Paper 4 Physiology and Histology 100

Paper 5 Anatomy 50

Paper 6 Pharmaceutical Mathematics-I & Bio-Statistics 100


Paper 7 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) 100

Paper 8 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry 100

Paper 9 Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) 100

Paper 10 Physiology and Histology 100

2nd Professional


Paper 1 Pharmaceutics-II (Pharmaceutical Preparations) 100

Paper 2 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-I 100

Paper 3 Pharmacognosy-I 100

Paper 4 Pharmaceutical Microbiology 100

Paper 5 Pakistan Studies and Islamiat (Comp) 100


Paper 6 Pharmaceutics-II (Pharmaceutical Preparations) 100

Paper 7 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-I 100

Paper 8 Pharmacognosy-I 100

Paper 9 Pharmaceutical Microbiology 100

Total Marks 900



Paper 1 Pathology 50

Paper 2 Pharmacology & Therapeutics-II 100

Paper 3 Pharmacognosy-II 100

Paper 4 Pharmaceutics-III

(Dispensing & Community Pharmacy) 100

Paper 5 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II (Instrumentation) 100



Paper 6 Pathology 50

Paper 7 Pharmacology & Therapeutics II 100

Paper 8 Pharmacognosy-II 100

Paper 9 Pharmaceutics-III

(dispensing & community pharmacy) 100

Paper 10 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II (Instrumentation) 100

Total Marks 900




Paper 1 Pharmaceutics-IV (Hospital Pharmacy) 100

Paper 2 Pharmaceutics-V (Clinical Pharmacy-I) 100

Paper 3 Pharmaceutics-VI (Industrial Pharmacy) 100

Paper 4 Pharmaceutics-VII (Bio-Pharmaceutics) 100

Paper 5 Pharmaceutics-VIII 100

(Pharmaceutical QuantityControl)



Paper 6 Pharmaceutics-V (Clinical Pharmacy-I) 100

Paper 7 Pharmaceutics-VI (Industrial Pharmacy) 100

Paper 8 Pharmaceutics-VII (Biopharmaceutics) 100

Paper 9 Pharmaceutics-VIII(Pharmaceutical Quality Control) 100

Total Marks 900




Paper 1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Medicinal Chemistry) 100

Paper 2 Pharmaceutics-IX (Clinical Pharmacy-II) 100

Paper 3 Pharmaceutical Technology 100

Paper 4 Forensic Pharmacy 100

Paper 5 Pharmaceutical Management & Marketing 100

Paper 6 Computer and its applications in pharmacy 50


Paper 7 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Medicinal chemistry) 100

Paper 8 Pharmaceutics-IX (Clinical Pharmacy-II) 100

Paper 9 Pharmaceutical Technology 100

Paper 10 Computer and it applications in pharmacy 50

Total Marks 900

Grand Total Marks: 4700

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the full name of Institute?

The full name of the institute is Women Institute of Learning and Rehabilitation Sciences

  1. Where is the WILRS located?

Women Institute of Learning and Rehabilitation Sciences near WMC, Nawanshher, Murree Road Abbottabad

  1. How to contact the admissions office?

You can come directly to admission office in office timing or can contact on telephone on the given number 0992-391206.


4.       Which graduate/ Post Graduate courses are offered at the WILRS?
Following Graduate courses are offered at WILRS:

Department of Pharmacy

  • Pharm-D (5 Years)
  1. What are admission/ eligibility requirements for Graduate Courses?
  • Pharm-D

Admission Procedure

Application for admission to the Pharm-D program shall be submitted to the Dean, Women Institute of Learning, Abbottabad by the applicant along with official transcript/ testimonials institutes also attended.


Minimum qualification for admission in Pharm-D is;

  1. Sc. (pre-medical) or equivalent certificate in 1st division (660/1100 unadjusted marks) or GCE A-levels or B.Sc. with Chemistry, Botany, Zoology from any recognized institute.
  2. As the medium of instructions is English in the institute, the foreign candidates must submit English qualification certificate attested by their respective Embassy in Pakistan.
  • All applications for admissions should be on the prescribed form annexed to the prospectus obtained from the college office, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope having stamps for Rs: 50/ or directly from the office of WIL on payment of Rs: 1000/.
  1. Applications must be complete with relevant copies of certificates and eight passport size photographs.
  2. The final selection will be made purely on merit basis by the selection board by observing all the necessary codal formalities as required under the rules for such process.
  1. What are the entry test requirements for Graduate Courses?
  • Pharm-D

Detail of Entry Test

Women Institute of Learning conducts its own entry test and 40% of its own are added to the overall merit/ marks. The entry test will be from the entire course of F.Sc (Pre-Medical) in the subject of Biology, Physics, Chemistry and English.


The weightage formula to determine the final merit list will be as under

  • Metric/ SSC or equivalent examinations 10%
  • Sc (Pre-Medical) or equivalent examinations 40%
  • Entry Test 40%
  • Interview 10%

    What is the accreditation status of WILRS?

Department of Pharmacy

Department of Psychology

The department of Pharmacy and Department of Psychology are affiliated with University of Peshawar-UOP and recognized by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan